1 Samuel 7:12
Pastor Márcio Maciel and Luzivânia, parents of Luís Miguel, Maria Madalena and Luke. They have been serving the Lord at the Evangelical Baptist Church in the city of Lajes Pintadas, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since December 2020. Márcio and Luzivânia develop the work of evangelism, handing out tracts, evangelistic services, and home visits. We are doing weekly schedules, with the support of my family. We ask for your prayers on behalf of our firstborn Louis, Michael, and Natalia, their marriage took place in August. Remembering a little of our evangelical trajectory. We have been members of the Church Evangelical Baptist of Campo Redondo since September 2009 with the then, Pr. Lenivaldo Gonzaga. For about 5 years we served as a members of the church, but in February 2015 we received the call to pastoral ministry in the city of Ipanguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where we stayed until December 2020. We are grateful to the Lord for sustaining us with his love so that we can continue serving here in the church of Lajes Pintadas in communion with the others congregations in the area.
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