“​​He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing in his sheeves with him”

Psalm 126:6

Pastor ​Luís and Aldeneide, along with our children ​Luís Henrique and Lucas Gabriel, are serving the Lord in the Baptist church in Coronel Ezequiel, Rio Grande do Norte, since January of 2023. I (Pastor ​Luís), along with my wife Aldeneide have been doing discipleship, visitation and giving help to the brothers and sisters in the church, and those outside of the church who are still not believers, always seeking to bring the word of God in every situation.

We also help each week with the work outside the city in a place called Santo Antonio, and we work alongside a lady there called Elisa, who helps with the children's work. We are involved in every area of the church life, and our son ​Luís Henrique helps with the music.

I am the fruit of a work which was started by a man called Tota, and through the help of Pastor Jose Soares of Santa Cruz, I accepted the Lord as my Saviour on 22nd September 2001. My wife was saved in 1995. We both received a call into ministry early on in life, we went to bible college, and Aldeneide graduated in 2005, and I in 2006.

We were married at the end of 2005. Following on from this we then worked for 9 years in Tangara, and 7 years in Passa e Fica. We are very grateful for the help we have received from the mission. Through your prayers, contributions and love for the work we have been able to serve the Lord here. With the Lord, your work is not in vain. Please continue to pray for us that we can serve the Lord more and more and in a greater way for His glory, and pray for the salvation of those who are still lost in sin.  

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