“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Luke 9:62

Pastor Iran and Maria do Socorro, along with their children Levi and Sara, have been serving the Lord at the Baptist Church in Campo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte Brazil, since December 2014.

Pastor Iran and Socorro developed the work of Evangelism, distribution of leaflets, visitation and counselling, discipleship, as well as ministry of Music and choir, together with Levi and Elizabeth and a radio show once a week. (Their daughter Elizabeth continues to support the work of the Lord, along with her husband Brennus).

Remembering that we are fruits of Missionary Work, Pastor João Marinho and Missionaries James and Dorrie Gunning. Pastor Iran accepted Christ in 1990 and Socorro and in 1982, as a child, Iran was discipled by the Northern Irish missionaries. 

They have been working with the Mission since December 2002. They worked for four years in Tangará and eight years in the city of João Câmara.

Thank you for your prayers and support, please keep praying for us. There is a lot of work to do here in Campo Redondo and Region.

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