You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

John 15:16

I was born in the municipality of Boca do Acre, state of Amazonas, on January 4, 1954. My parents were Roman Catholics and soon took me to listen to the teachings of the church and put me to study in a school run by the priests.

In this period, a couple of Irish missionaries arrived in Boca do Acre: James and Dorrie Gunning, my grandfather Arthur Cardoso was converted and soon took me to hear the word of God in the Church of the missionaries, I remember that my first Sunday School teacher was the missionary Hazel Miskimmim, who had arrived to help the couple James and Dorrie. To this day I remember the stories she told about the life of Christ and the songs she taught us, hence the seed of the gospel was sown in my heart as an 8-year-old child and in the hearts of my parents and siblings. 

However, we had to leave Boca do Acre and take up residence in Manaus, it was very difficult for me and family to leave our homeland. Arriving in Manaus, I was now 11 years old, a certain Sunday afternoon a Pastor of the Baptist Church was in our house to invite us to visit his church, we accepted the invitation and in the evening we went to church, we heard the message of the same gospel preached by James and Dorrie in Boca do Acre. That night my mother gave her life to Jesus Christ, then me, my brothers, and my father. I spent my adolescence and youth in that church, until I married my beloved wife, Eurides Nunes da Silva, in the year 1975. We had 3 wonderful children: David, Deborah, and Jonathas, all serving the Lord along with their families. 

Approximately in the year 1982, I felt the Lord's call to prepare me to work in his harvest. At the beginning of 1985 I had a meeting with the missionary Fred Orr, I told him of my call, then he referred me to the Regular Baptist Seminary of the Amazon, there I studied for 4 years and at the end of 1988 I concluded my studies. In December of the same year, I met again with Fred Orr, who invited me to work at MEA as his assistant, I accepted the invitation convinced of God's will, and together we began to work. In 1990 Fred Orr challenged me to begin the planting of a Church in the neighbourhood in which he lived, a challenge that I also accepted convinced of the will of God, we began work in the garage next to his house with a group of children from the Good News class, directed by Sister Zeny Orr, then together, Pastor Fred Orr and I, and together with our families, we planted the Church that today is called Hebron, it is worth mentioning that in this period I worked in MEA and in the Church as Pastor. 

In 1997, already as president of MEA, the missionary Victor Maxwell, invited me to stay in his place as president of the MEA, an invitation that I accepted, convinced of the will of the Lord. Since then, I have sought to do the best for my Lord, doing the work with love, dedication, and fear. God has greatly blessed his work through dedicated and loving workers in the service of the Lord. We thank the Lord for the support that Acre International has given all this time to the work of God here in Brazil.

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